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Hajj: Fifth Pillar of Islam

Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, that all Muslims should complete in their lifetime. Hajj is a strong representation of Islam’s monotheism, worshipping Allah alone, remembering and illustrating our submission to Allah, and being aware of the Hereafter when we will meet Allah.

The practice Muslims complete, including walking around the Kaaba, which is believed to be the first holy shrine/house of worship to Allah built by Adam (peace be upon him). After the Kaaba was destroyed in the great flood in the time of Prophet Noah, Abraham and his son Ismael rebuilt the Kaaba as instructed by Allah.

Apart from walking around and praying next to the Kaaba, Hajj follows the life events of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), in the surrounding area and Muslims walk to where the Prophet spent time. Check out the link for a detailed description of each day for Hajj.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,” If anyone performed Hajj for God’s sake without talking immodestly or acting wickedly, he will return free from sins as on the day his mother bore him.” Sahih al- Bukhari 2507

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “The performance of Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed between it and the previous Umrah; and the reward of valid and accepted Hajj is nothing but Jannah (Paradise).” Bukhari and Muslim 1175

While Hajj is an obligation upon all Muslims, there are exceptions to those who cannot attend due to financial or physical reasons. If one cannot go due to financial reasons, they should look for a benefactor or group that will assist them in completing Hajj, but they are not punished if these opportunities aren’t available and they cannot go. If one cannot go due to physical reasons, they are not obligated to complete Hajj. Another way is that they can choose another Muslim to go on their behalf, which will allow their du’a (supplications) to be accepted by Allah as if they were in Mecca themselves.

Furthermore, Allah shows mercy to Muslims who cannot go to Hajj by giving them another way to complete the practice.

Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: If anyone prays Fajr (dawn) prayer in congregation and sits in his place to praise and glorify Allah till the sun rises, then prays two rakas, he will have reward equivalent to that of Hajj and Umrah. Then he said,” A perfect one, a perfect one, a perfect one.” At-Trmidhi 1176

Allah’s mercy is the center focus of Hajj that all Muslims should take seriously. In Shaa Allah, all Muslims give thanks to Allah with the perspective of complete submission.

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