Islam encourages us to read, ask questions, and support faith with logic.

Finding Islam

After taking a Bible as Literature course in college, I recognized how little logic and actual understanding was supporting my faith. How could I believe the Bible to be the “living word of God” if it had simple contradictions and depicted a reactionary and human god who was supposedly perfect? How does 3 equal 1 (the Trinity)? I’ve always been bad at math, but that equation was farfetched for even me.

I began researching other religions after that course and researched for 6 years until I found Islam. Ironically, given it’s an Abrahamic religion along with Christianity and Judaism, Islam was the last on my list to explore. But as I read the Qur’an, I began to see what my faith had been missing for so long; sound logic that supported Allah’s mercy as the center of my faith.